Black Majesty

 Reviewer: Евгений "Jackhammer" Молот 

Black Majesty - Sands Of Time (2003) 4/5

Power metal in Australia is so piecemeal that it can be counted on one hand. Australian heavy metallers Black Majesty were formed in 2001 by musicians unknown on the world stage, who, however, as shown by their debut work, are able to perfectly cope with their duties in terms of technology. The guys are also good at recording, pleasing with power, density and beauty, recalling such a tightly knit sound like the debut of Masterplan. But the consistency of their music has little to do with the German school. Due to the pro-Bruce Deakins' vocals, the staff resembles a kind of compromise heavy-power with melodies for Maiden and high-speed performance techniques for HammerFall and Helloween. The Australians really knock and knock down high-speed power, which sounds pretty and impressive, and technically. At the same time, melodic decisions on plastic are expressive, and emotional, and strong. I liked its completely self-confident approach, powerful content and sincere love of the group for their work. Clearly!

Black Majesty - Silent Company (2005) 4/5

 I consider  music of  Australian heavy metalists Black Majesty very immersed in themselves, and they apparently consider their music to be a power ac / ds? 😃 Anyway, the music of the second album of the Australians is made in the spirit of the debut album, representing a European power ala Helloween, but still closer to a Swedish school like Hammerfall with a good amount of heavy metal Maiden. And here's the thing: it's not that bad, considering that absolutely all the material is equally strong melodic, and in terms of recording and performance, it is generally perfect. Such unbreakable dogmas, on which the disc is based, is already a kind of bonus and positive for those who like it. And I am just a lover of this and similar influences, whether it be the Helloween or the Maiden’s in the hands of these Australian professionals, I estimate at a very strong average level. No, BM does not break the roof with their second album, but when you want to listen to a serious in spirit and high-speed power metal Maiden, the Australians are an excellent option for this, not annoying and not binding. Well, purely for the sake of justice - the recording is somewhat cleaner than the opening, the technique is more varied, and the melodies are more expressive.

Black Majesty - Tomorrowland (2007) 4/5

As always good, and in some places even hit, the third album in the discography was uploaded to us in 2007 by Australian power men Black Majesty. The dark cover hides an equally dark and melodic power metal at the intersection of Helloween and Iron Maiden. The vocalist performs his duties both strongly and expressively! It can be seen that the guy is trying. As always, the excellent quality of the recording and the excellent technique of the musicians - everything here is like clockwork and even better than on previous discs. But the texts could be more literary. However, this is not so important in comparison with the melodic part of the record. And it is surprisingly very tasty in some places and generally pleasant, which also speaks of the growth of the musicians' talent. And now the first three songs are so hits that it seems as if “Tomorrowland” is the album of the year in power, but not everything is so rosy on the subsequent more even and standard compositions, although they consistently hold a solid bar of the middle peasant. That and therefore prove - the Australians are real professionals in their field, faithful to the style of heavy metal one hundred percent. The workhorse of Australian heavy metal !!!

Black Majesty - In Your Honour (2010) 4/5

"In Your Honor" is the fourth album by Australian powermen Black Majesty, and these guys mainly play high-speed power, became the first disc, recorded, produced and mixed by Roland Grapow (Masterplan, ex-Helloween), and mixed by Uwe Lulis (Accept, ex-Rebellion, ex-Grave Digger). However, I would not say that the sound has radically changed or improved, but it has become somewhat different, but the Australians sounded top-notch before, for example, thanks to a very experienced tandem from the sound musicians from Mystic Prophecy. And now Black Majesty sound very tasty, rich, powerful and deadly. The material is suitable here - mostly heavy, energetic and downright Euro-power, reminiscent of anything: from Helloween to the same Masterplan. Australians are so diligent and professional in playing, recording and musicality that you cannot make any claims against them. This is a great example of power metal, when you want to listen to real high-speed power without any other influences, and this is its value. Compositions such as "God Of War", "Further Than Insane" and "Millenium" show that Black Majesty has more potential than any ordinary power metal act.

Black Majesty - Stargazer (2012) 4/5

The fiery cover of the next, fifth in a row, album of Australian power metalists Black Majesty "Stargazer" perfectly reflects its musical content - this is absolutely fiery power metal without hope for hard rock, heavy metal and any other styles. This is 100% true, down-to-earth and speedy European school power metal, absorbing the best from around the world. Roland Grapow (ex-Helloween) this time performed the full musical accompaniment of the disc in the form of recording, mixing and mixing, in which he did not fail again, giving out a wonderful sound: the most powerful, juicy and rich. Well, the guys, of course, are experienced and professional, they played and sang everything perfectly. This kind of power is pleasing to the ear of a style fan in itself, it's just a kick-ass power metal stuff and that says it all. But in fact, everything is even better - the work, besides being perfectly done, is also melodiously soulful and strong. And BM also created at least three truly complete world-class hits similar to the same Grapow`s Masterplan: "Voice of Change", "Killing Hand" and "Journey to the Soul". These are undoubtedly some of the best songs in the work of the collective, the level of melodicism of which has been worked out by the team during ten years of studio activity, and finally reached its peak. The Australians are delighted as never before, with a firm gait, getting closer and closer to the highest assessment of their creation.

Black Majesty - Cross of Thorns (2015)

The sixth album of Australian power metalists Black Majesty will please me at about the same consistently average level as all the previous five works. The guys, of course, were able to reach a high level, clearly above average, in terms of performance and recording, plus Roland Grapow helped them to rise to a certain extent in the studio, in other matters, melodically quite strong, expressive and pleasant material at the intersection of Hellowen and Iron Maiden. The German school, oddly enough, with the use of Grapow's services, the Australians no longer have in their blood, but they cut much less stencil and wood than before. Among the special successes, it is worth noting the composition "Make Believe", in which the melody is slightly higher than that of the rest of the songs, and also to praise the guys for their persistence in playing exactly that classic euro power without any other influences such as hard rock and progressive. Quite a clear job for style lovers!

Black Majesty - Children of the Abyss (2018)

So, the latest album for the moment by Australian power metalists Black Majesty. These guys with their firmness and inflexibility to play true and pure power metal, of course, remind of their great-grandfathers AC / DC. Actually, "Children of the Abyss" is another high-quality recording by Roland Grapow and perfectly played work of the Australians, which logically continues their path of crossing Helloween and Iron Maiden since 2001. This time my recognition on their album is given to the composition "Always Running" - with which the Australians really burned it out. For monthes this song has not come out of my playlists, it is really very catchy, strong and ultimately hit power metal. This is really top! But that was how the whole album had to be to cover Australia with the magic of Black Majesty's music. But no, and "Children of the Abyss" just is already completely and completely worthy and high-quality euro-power.

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