CJSS - Praise The Loud (1986)

Reviewer: Jack Hammer

 CJSS - Praise The Loud (1986) 

Heavy Metal 

The second album of American heavy metalists CJSS, led by guitarist David Chastain, followed the debut "World Gone Mad" in the same 1986 and showed a clear progression of the band in terms of performance and recording. ... The disc is both more technical and better recorded, and melodiously even a cut above the debut. However, despite the successful result of the work, Chastain's expectations from this project did not materialize and after "Praise The Loud" the group did not release new albums for the next 14 years until the 2000 album "Kings of the World". 

Considering that the Chastain project with Leather Lione on vocals turned out to be more successful than CJSS, it was understandable that David decided to direct his creative energy towards "Chastain project" in the future, especially since "Praise The Loud" was one-on-one similar to "Chastain project" in the 80s. And that's actually pretty cool. If the debut of CJSS was still too raw, albeit with a claim to originality, then "Praise The Loud" is what is called "Chastain project" at maximum speed. All that splendor of the original, original and stylish, American old-school heavy metal that David gave out in the project Chastain project, he gave on "Praise The Loud", thus releasing a version of sucj calling "Chastain project with male vocals" in the person of Russell Jinkens. And then all the power of Russell's vocal talent, who muttered something indistinctly there on the CJSS debut, was revealed to the maximum, showing impressive strength, beauty and expressiveness of the vocal parts, which are pleasant to listen to regardless of the music. But the music did not pump up this time too, flashing with strong, expressive and soulful classic American heavy metal in the original David Chastain style. Very energetic, powerful and driving. 

So "Praise The Loud" is one of those American heavy metal albums, that all fans should listen to. The highest manifestation of what can be in the heavy American school, except perhaps without eternal masterpieces. The material is completely far from commerce and any influences of pop culture, which, on the other hand, is its indispensable advantage. I would put "Praise The Loud" in line with the best works of David Chastain and all American heavy metal in general. Here is the strength of American heavy metal.

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